Наш проект минеральной воды BAYKAL для рынка Китая на Packaging Of the World

Наш проект Bonduelle оливки на международном портале по дизайну упаковки Packaging Of the World:
Baykal water brand development for the China market by Clёver Branding.
In many European countries, water is one of the essential products, which leads to increased demands on its quality. It is no coincidence that bottled water is so popular in Europe. According to TGI Global, 87% of the population of Germany, 89% of the population of France and 53% of the UK buy this water. And the share of bottled water consumption worldwide continues to grow. At the same time, Russia has a unique water resource.
Lake Baykal is one of the oldest and cleanest reservoirs of our planet, which stores 19% of all world freshwater reserves. The composition of Baykal water has an amazing healing effect on humans: it accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration, improves brain activity, and rejuvenates the body.
The management of the Russian company Aqualife, it was decided to supply Lake Baikal water for the Chinese market.